Biosecurity measures and travel restrictions are in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Read about what measures are in place when travelling in or out of Australia.
People arriving in Australia will be quarantined for 14 days and might have to comply with other state and territory travel restrictions.
How to prepare for your trip before you fly
All people travelling to Australia on flights must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) result issued within 72 hours of your departure. PCR is a common and simplified way to describe reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing. Test results that state ‘PCR’ or ‘RT-PCR’ as the testing methodology are acceptable for pre-departure testing.
The following information must be included on your test result record. If possible, this should be provided in English. Mandatory required information:
– Traveller name and date of birth (age at time of test or passport number accepted, if date of birth not listed)
– The test result (such as ‘negative’ or ‘not detected’)
– The method of test conducted e.g. PCR test
– The date and time the respiratory sample was collected for the COVID-19 test.
Additional information requested, if available:
– The respiratory sample type that was collected (e.g. nasopharyngeal)
– The date and time the test result was authorised and the name of the laboratory authorising officer
– Name and address of the laboratory/clinic/facility that administered the test
– Accreditation body that the laboratory is affiliated with.

If your test result record does not include the four mandatory fields outlined above you will be prevented from checking-in and boarding the aircraft. Please ensure this information will be provided to you by your testing facility when you get tested.
A paper-based record is preferred, however electronic records (such as a document embedded in an email or text message) that contains the required information would be accepted.
Important: Hold on to your testing result certificate for your entire travelling journey, as you may be required to present it more than once. It is recommended that you take a photo of it, if paper based.
How does hotel quarantine work?
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, travellers arriving in Australia by air or sea will need to go into government approved mandatory quarantine for 14 days from arrival. You must quarantine in the city you arrive in for 14 days, even if you plan to travel elsewhere in Australia.
State and territory governments, with support from the Australian Government, manage quarantine arrangements including:
– Transport for travellers from their arrival point to their quarantine accommodation
– Quarantine arrangements at the accommodation facility
You may be tested for COVID-19 in the first 48 hours and then between days 10 to 12 of quarantine. If you refuse testing, you may have to quarantine for a longer period.
Quarantine involves staying in a room for 14 days with no visitors. It is an unfamiliar experience for most people.
Australian Government Guide to Hotel Quarantine
The Australian Government has provided the two-part guide described below to help prepare for your quarantine stay.
– Part 1
– Part 2

The landscape can change at any moment. For the latest up-to-date restrictions, please contact:
Alli Pratt – [email protected]
Marnie Constantini – [email protected]