Framestore’s highly experienced VFX recruitment team, led by Lindsay Cowie is the first point of contact for new artists, supervisors, technologists or production experts. Lindsay plays an important role in shaping the Framestore team. She’s backed by her own team, Carla Rizzo and Roxy Prophet. They have a broad global network and a keen understanding of role nuances. This team is instrumental in driving the culture of the company, and they operate under the guiding ethos, “We are only as good as the team that surrounds us!”
Lindsay draws inspiration from Mel Sullivan, Framestore’s Chief Executive. “I am inspired by the fact that Framestore has a female Chief Executive, Mel Sullivan, and countless other female senior leaders throughout the organisation. It’s important to see diversity and inclusion in action. To see it demonstrated throughout the business, to see what is possible, especially in the most senior positions in the business, is truly inspiring” says Cowie.
Each of Framestore’s recruiters brings a different perspective to their roles formulated by years of experience.
We asked each of them a couple of questions to gain insight into the way they think and the advice they may offer.

What’s the best thing about working in this industry?
Lindsay – The creativity, skill and passion for the craft by the artists in this industry is unparalleled – I am inspired every day by the talented people around me. Cheering for the credits at the end of a screening is just so much fun and fills you with such a sense of pride. And my kids think I’m pretty cool!
Carla – Many things but being able to work and travel around the world has been an experience I’m extremely grateful for. The professional and personal relationships I’ve formed are priceless and you can’t help but grow and evolve from this being a global industry.
Roxy – The people always surprise me. In the VFX industry, I work with some very passionate and incredibly smart people. It’s been a pleasure to watch and see what they can do over the years. And the best thing about our industry is that it’s a global industry but a small and very connected community. I have made some wonderful friends and learned so much about life.
A piece of advice for women wanting to work in the industry?
Lindsay – Network! Reach out to as many people as you can – generally, people are happy to connect and help where time allows and don’t be afraid to politely follow up. Keep learning, practising and doing personal projects to hone your skills and show a variety of techniques on your showreel.
Carla – Know your voice and ideas are valuable and have the confidence and where necessary, the persistence, to raise them.
Roxy – Apply! Even if you don’t tick all the boxes. I was listening to an International Women’s Day panel a few years ago and one of the speakers mentioned that most women don’t apply for jobs if they don’t tick all the boxes on the job description and men are more likely to give it a go. This for me was so true, as soon as I get to a point I don’t have any experience with, I immediately started looking for a different job. Now if I tick about 70% of the boxes I apply and I have made some brilliant connections and had some great jobs because of it.