News| Jan 20, 2023


RSP has great pleasure introducing the Pitch Black Company! As the group continues to grow, they have established a brand that reflects its vision and strategy for the collective. Thus, they created the Pitch Black Company: A Universe of Limitless Creativity.

Pitch Black is a house of creative brands; a platform for each company to grow and their respective artists to thrive. Rising Sun Pictures and their sister studios, FuseFX, FOLKS and El Ranchito, are unified by one association in the form of Pitch Black, yet retain individual identities and independence as unique brands.

David Altenau continues as Chairman, Sébastien Bergeron as CEO, John Pietrulongo as CFO, and the Executive team will be comprised of FuseFX President, Johnny Fisk, FOLKS President, Amélie Poitras, El Ranchito President, Félix Bergés, alongside RSP Managing Director, Tony Clark, and RSP President Jennie Zeiher.

Together, they have over 1400 talented crew and 13 worldwide locations and are working on the very best film and series around the globe. 

It’s business as usual here at RSP; we will continue to operate and deliver as the brand you know and love. 


RSP’s team comprising of Kurt Debens, Hamish Bell, Robert Kelly and Gabriel Roccisano have been nominated for a VES Award in the category: Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Episode, Commercial, or Real-Time Project for their work on The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power; Udûn; Volcano Destruction.
We wish them the best of luck and know that RSP looks forward to seeing so many passionate people again in person at the Awards night. 


RSP produced more than 200 visual effects shots for Star Wars: Andor series (Season 1), many involving a mammoth Imperial prison complex.

Click the link to check out RSP’s Andor reel