A psychological thriller about two female friends will become the first feature film produced in partnership between Australian streaming company, Stan and Screen Queensland.
Premier and Minister for the Arts Annastacia Palaszczuk announced The Second, produced by Queensland creative team, would have its $1 million production budget fully funded by Screen Queensland.
“The Queensland Originals Fully Funded Features with Stan program is an Australian-first and is part of our charge to lead Australia in innovative screen content production,” the Premier said.
“The Second will receive an ‘event’ theatrical and festival release and exclusive subscription video on demand (Australian SVOD) distribution through Stan,” the Premier said.
Mairi Cameron will direct with Stephen Lance as writer/producer and Leanne Tonkes as producer.
The deal was announced at the Cannes Film Festival.
Nick Forward, Stan’s Chief Content Officer, said the streaming service was continuing to increase its output of original content, and was delighted to announce The Second as its first feature film.
“The success of No Activity and Wolf Creek have shown the audience demand for high-quality Australian productions and we are excited to be working with the best creative talent in the country to bring more Stan Originals to the screen,” he said.
“We’re delighted to be working with our partners at Screen Queensland in this exciting initiative. Congratulations to Stephen, Mairi and Leanne, and we look forward to working with them to bring their vision to life.”
Over the past eight months, four Queensland teams have been intensively developing a feature project from concept with a development team that included New York-based independent producers Amy Hobby and Anne Hubbell of Tangerine Entertainment alongside SQ and Stan.
The project will enter production in the second half of 2016.